Countries hosting World Deaf Football and Futsal Championships

Countries hosting World Deaf Football and Futsal Championships

Dear all,

Deaf International Football Association -DIFA in its quest for efficiency and traceability in the choice of host countries for the World Deaf Football and Futsal Championships would have developed a new procedure to promote the image of the deaf athlete who is the centre of interest to all DIFA and ICSD competitions then from today the procedure below will be applied.


The process for the selection of a host country for the World Deaf Football or Futsal Championships begins with the formation of a bid document to the DIFA Committee. This committee, a special body of the DIFA, is responsible for liaising with the Deaf International Football Association (DIFA) and International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) on all matters related to the application.

Overview of the Selection Process:

The nomination of the host country for World Deaf Football or Futsal Championships involves the preparation of a bid documents:

– Certificate of support from the Ministry of Sports or Foreign Affairs;

– Certificate of support from the mayor’s office/governor of the proposed city;

– Certificate of support from the National Football or Futsal Federation

– Venue information and price list for accommodation, meals, transportation, food and transportation for this proposed city.

– Football or Futsal championships booklet.

By securing government guarantees, by engaging the Deaf Sports and Football Federations, by participating in international sports forums, and organizing promotional events.

The DIFA committee ensures the successful completion of these tasks.

When the call for applications is opened, DIFA sends a call notice to the Football Associations or Deaf Sports Federation of all eligible countries.

The application process spans two (02) years and includes the following key stages:

Official Notification: ICSD and DIFA send a notification to Deaf Sports Federations and Football Associations, announcing the start of the application process.

Expression of Interest: Applicant countries notify ICSD and DIFA of their intent to submit an application.

Submission of Registration Forms: Countries submit their application registration forms to ICSD and DIFA.

Submission of Nomination Agreement: The nomination agreement is submitted to ICSD and DIFA.

Application Book Submission: The candidate country submits the application book and a signed hosting agreement to ICSD and DIFA.

Inspection Visits: DIFA’s inspection commission visits of the sports, hotel and transport facilities in the candidate countries.

Final Decision: The DIFA Executive Committee announces the country selected for the host of the World Deaf Football and Futsal Championship.

NOTE :The application book, the final and most crucial document of the nomination, typically consists of 10-15 pages and details all aspects of the championship, including separate certificates describing stadiums, government guarantees, mayor of the city guarantees, Deaf Sports Federations’ commitments, and agreements with the host cities.

Evaluation Criteria:

DIFA assesses candidate countries based on the following criteria:

Application Management: The representativeness of the bid committee is evaluated.

Experience: The candidate country’s experience in hosting major international sports competitions is considered.

Relationships with ICSD and DIFA: The involvement of top officials and sports leaders in the candidate country with DIFA is taken into account and the country should be in good standing with ICSD and DIFA.

Financial Support: The financial commitment of the candidate country for hosting the Championship is assessed.

Government and Public Support: The level of involvement of government members and the Deaf Sports Federation is considered.

Bid Committee Quality: The performance and international engagement of the bid committee are evaluated.

Stadiums: The quality and suitability of sports arenas are assessed.

Security: The country’s internal security and its preparedness to ensure safety during the Championship are evaluated.

Transport and Hotels: The development of transport networks and hotel infrastructure, as well as the geographical spread of the Championship venues, are considered.

Prospect Factor: The significance of hosting the Championship for the development of football and infrastructure in the candidate country is assessed.

Application Book Quality: The overall quality and thoroughness of the application book are evaluated.

As a result, all ICSD and DIFA member countries wishing to host a world Deaf Championships can now start preparing by following the procedure published above.

Thank you for your understanding.


Jean Pierre Valery PEMHA

Secretary General

Deaf International Football Association
